Just In The Nic of Time

Super Nic
Nic Slider

Nic's on the move!

  • PAST...

Nicholas, also known as “Baby B” was born with a Congenital Heart Defect, Downs syndrome, and Hirschsprung’s disease.  Nicholas, whose name means “warrior” also was born into a family that holds on to their faith and trusts God’s guidance for their lives.  As a newborn, he was unable to hold his body temperature, unable to eat enough to thrive and grow, unable to eliminate properly, and unable to learn skills as quickly as his twin sister.  Even with his differences, setbacks, and delays, Nicholas never held any pity parties.  He chose to fight through his setbacks and physical differences.  By 5 years old, Nicholas had survived 7 surgeries for various health issues.  By God’s grace each time a surgery was completed, the surgeons said, “It went better than we expected.” 

  • PRESENT...

Headed to the 5th grade, participating on the church usher board, performing with his school’s dance team, playing basketball with his bonus Auntie and best friend, golfing with his friends from the Special Olympics teams, and enjoying learning to play the drums---Nicholas stays on the move.  Removing stereotypes from the Special Needs community, learning to be independent and to speak up for himself and others, and taking care of his personal needs are the things he’s currently working on with the help of family and the village.

  • FUTURE...

Nicholas’ lifestyle is being designed to teach him to become a self-advocate.  Instilling a strong faith foundation and reverence for God are key factors in our guidance for Nic.    Even though society sets limitations that don’t raise the bar very high for Nicholas, and sometimes we hurt from the uncertainties of his health…he will continue to “fool the world” with the Different Abilities that go along with his Up Syndrome!